If you find yourself in a position in which you need to transfer the ownership and management of a subscription, there is a simple way to do this as outlined below.
For security reasons, you cannot transfer a current subscription, however we have made it very simple to start a new subscription under your own name.
The steps must be completed by the user who wants to become the new subscription owner.
After logging into Paidnice. Navigate to the "Billing & Subscriptions" page from the top right menu
2. At the bottom of the page, find the organisation you want to control billing for and click "Transfer"
3. Confirm the transfer, you will then be taken to the new subscription page. Here you can re-choose the plan and then enter the card details.
If you require access to copies of invoices on the previous subscription please send us a message in app, or at [email protected]
If you have already had a recent payment for the previous subscription, we will automatically refund the unused amount shortly afterwards