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All about Actions

Learn what actions are, when actions are calculated and how to manually calculate them when testing.

Jack Daffron avatar
Written by Jack Daffron
Updated over a week ago

What are actions?

Actions are the back bone of Paidnice, every late fee, email, discount etc, are counted as an "action".

When a policy criteria is met, an action will be created. This may be actionable immediately or in the future. (Pending)

An action can be generated against an invoice, such as a late fee, or invoice reminder. Or it could be generated against a contact, such as a statement email.

When are actions generated?

Actions are automatically generated several times per day, by matching your policies, groups and contacts.

Actions are also regenerated each time an invoice is updated.

You can also manually generate actions when testing your policies instead of waiting; for invoice based actions, you can simply head to any invoice, then click recalculate.

(Clicking Recalculate will not run the action, only ensure its still valid)

For contact based actions, such as auto statements and statement interest, you can head to the "All Activity" page. Then in the top right menu "Manual Operations", click "Recalcuate all pending actions". (This will recalculate and generate actions for all invoices and contacts)

What are "pending" actions?

Pending actions are actions that have not yet been processed, if the scheduled date is earlier than the current day, then these will be ran almost immediately. Otherwise future pending actions let you easily see when a late fee or email may be sent. (Assuming the policy conditions remain met)

Pending actions are automatically cleared whenever you update a policy, group or move a contact into a new group. These will be generated again at the next cycle or when manually ran (as above)

How can I retry a failed action?

From time to time an action may fail for many reasons, such as invalid phone numbers for SMS, to missing emails etc.

You can not directly retry an action, instead it can be deleted which will then allow it to be regenerated. If the policy conditions no longer apply, it will not be regenerated.

You can delete all failed actions in bulk by heading to All Activity -> Manual Operations -> Remove all Failed Actions.

Alternatively you can delete just one by opening the action, and clicking delete. (Not all action types may currently have this option)

How can I delete or stop a pending action?

You cannot delete or stop a pending action, this is because it will be automatically regenerated again. Instead it is best to ensure the policy that caused this action no longer applies. This can be by changing the policy, or removing the contact from the group.

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